Give Your Home A Makeover During The Lockdown
COVID-19 global pandemic rendered many countries to announce Lockdown and irrespective of that most of us self-quarantined ourselves only to stare at the four walls all day. Instead of letting that infection dampen your spirits, why not use it in a productive way by giving your home a little makeover? The start of it can be simple and effortless like rearranging Furniture according to their functionalities. Here are some tips to make your home look like a brand new dream space.
1. Start from square one:

Source: Freepik
Pick a room that has minimum furniture and needs minimum efforts. Analyse the layout completely. You can begin with smaller details like changing angles and positions of furniture based on the Internal and External lighting. Some furniture looks better in corners, some needs that attention-grabbing centre; some needs better accessibility and some don’t. Remember, there is no rule that everything needs to move in order to look good. Some of your spaces might be just as perfect as they are.
2. Cut the clutter:

Source: unsplash
Clearing out furniture never even crossed my mind? It is the best time to cut the clutter in your spaces and keep only functional things as a part of your furniture. This simple act of cleaning up and decluttering your spaces is significant if you are planning to gradually shift towards a minimalistic or modern look. The stuff we really don’t need, use or love doesn’t deserve our space right?
3. Give way to greenery:

Source: Freepik
A tinge of green can always lift the spirits of your home. Gather vases, jars and tins and add all the required materials to raise plants. These will serve as display items in the Interiors and the green quotient for peace of mind too. Remember, it’s just not always about flowers to Liven up your rooms. If you follow the trends, you would’ve observed the recent growing trend of hanging gardens too.
4. Decorate It Yourself:

Source: Pikist
An easy and engaging way to give any room a fresh look is to doing it yourself and decorating it yourself. If you don’t want to take risks when it comes to home décor, consider smaller artwork pieces, wall hangings, made from clutter like scrap paper and magazines to string, fabric and boxes, etc. You can find a great selection of Home Décor Items like these and more at Beige and Wenge.
As the days and weeks of lockdown pass by, every one of us will eventually get a little tired and bored of the sight of our own home. These makeover tips will help you be engaged and help your home get a lockdown makeover.
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